Yearly Monitoring

The Smarter Travel Team strives to demonstrate the importance of the environmental and health benefits of increasing the use of more sustainable modes of travel. As part of our role, the baseline Travel Plan has been reviewed. The points below highlight the benefits from the implementation of the Kett’s Meadow & Heather Gardens Travel Plan.

Before you proceed, take a look at our 2024 Travel Newsletter.

Keep up to date with your local transport information such as the new Cringleford Bus Interchange and other useful links and websites.

Hethersett Travel Plan

The next Travel Plan monitoring period is due to commence in Autumn 2024, check back here for a Travel Plan update.

  • General vehicle trip rates are lower: Vehicular trip rates identified from the manual survey are lower in the AM & PM peak hours in 2021 compared to that estimated in the TA prepared for the original planning application.
  • Over a quarter of residents participating in the Kett’s Meadow & Heather Gardens travel survey highlighted walking as their primary mode of transport.
  • 106 dwellings have claimed their welcome vouchers, with a large portion choosing to redeem their Wiggle voucher. This is a positive footstep in promoting active lifestyles for residents.

To view the baseline Travel Plan for Kett’s Meadow & Heather Garden, please click here.

As highlighted in the Travel Plan, we continue to provide information and advice concerning appropriate cycle and walking routes for residents. We will also continue to liaise with relevant authorities to highlight any maintenance issues throughout the year. If there is anything you would like to see to encourage you to make changes to your travel habits, Please contact us, your Travel Plan Coordinator.

To view full voucher terms and conditions, please click here.

Find out more

Select below to find out more information on the different options available to you


Discover local walking routes & find out which amenities can be reached by foot.


Whatever your cycling ability, here is some advice and top tips to keep you pedalling.

Bus Travel

Unsure on the local bus services? Here we will give you all the information you need to utilise public transport.

Train Travel

Your nearest train stations are Wymondham and Norwich. Find out more about routes, the stations and discounts available.

Community Travel

If you require some extra assistance to use public transport, find out what services are available to you.

Greener Car Travel

Car travel is sometimes essential but we have some tips on how to make car journeys more economical.