Discover local walking routes & find out which amenities can be reached by foot.
Public transport, walking or cycling your commute may not be possible for everyone, however, there are still plenty of ways to reduce the impact of driving a car.
Did you know?
-Each week, the average Brit spends seven hours in their car.
-The average annual cost for car insurance is £995!
-Drivers spend on average, £1,364 per year on fuel.
The Future is Electric!
By 2035, all cars produced will have to be electric or hybrid. Have you considered making your next car one of these? There are several benefits to making the switch, including;
-Cheaper running costs
-Free or heavily reduced road tax
-Cheaper to maintain
-Better for the environment
Car Sharing
Car sharing can be a convenient way to reduce the cost of travel along with reducing CO2 emissions, whether that be with someone you may already know or someone you find through the Liftshare website.
You can sign up for free with Liftshare and there are already hundreds of others in the area listing their journeys!
A useful website to understand more about EV is Energy Saving Trust: This is an independent organisation website that is working to address climate emergency. It has everything you need to know about an EV and active travel. It demonstrates the benefits, tips about charging your EV.
Find out more
Unsure on the local bus services? Here we will give you all the information you need to utilise public transport.
Your nearest train stations are Wymondham and Norwich. Find out more about routes, the stations and discounts available.
If you require some extra assistance to use public transport, find out what services are available to you.