Discover local walking routes & find out which amenities can be reached by foot.
For those that may require a little extra assistance in using public transport, Norfolk County Council provides the ‘Transport Plus’ service. This helps residents with disabilities get to medical appointments, shops, and even well-being or social activities.
To use the services, you need to book at least 3 working days prior by calling: 0344 800 8020 the journey is charged at 45p per mile and payment should be given directly to the driver. Find out more information on the service through the Norfolk County Council website.
Norfolk County Council offers two bus passes: Age-Related Travel Pass or a Disabled Travel Pass.
The age-related travel pass is available to those aged 66 and above. You can apply online through the Norfolk County Council website or call
For those with a permanent disability or a disability lasting at least 12-months, you can apply for a disabled concessionary travel pass. As above, apply online through the Norfolk County Council website or by phoning 0344 800 8020.
Find out more
Unsure on the local bus services? Here we will give you all the information you need to utilise public transport.
Your nearest train stations are Wymondham and Norwich. Find out more about routes, the stations and discounts available.
If you require some extra assistance to use public transport, find out what services are available to you.